Monday, June 15, 2009

Volunteer Veterinary Cover Letter

Ready to Fly: Trelew - San Pablo by Aerolineas Argentinas

by Gastón Doval

In recent weeks the dispute flew to the province of Chubut. Since its largest city, Trelew, Province Governor Mario Das Neves announced that the Uruguayan PLUNA start offering frequencies (in 6th freedom) from the city into the economic center of Chubut largest southern cone, the City of San Pablo, Brazil.

Chubut Government would provide financial assistance to the Uruguayan airline, that this veería making plans to start flying cabotage in different countries of the region, including Argentina and Chile, since bought PLUNA AeroVip, a Argentina airline without planes but permits to begin operations, registering an aircraft in Argentina (a CRJ900 and LV-BYW, ex CX-CRG).

However, the Transportation Secretary's Office, Ricardo Jaime refused permission to fly to PLUNA from Trelew. As much as it may seem completely unprecedented, as it runs completely within the law, because the provinces can not allow air routes, only the Nation.

In this context, Ricardo Jaime, decided that the management of Aerolineas Argentinas make an offer to the province of Chubut to start flying non-stop route. Thus, the province agreed and the first flight "exploratory" was held this Saturday, and arrived at the airport Marcos Zar Trelew to 15.36, according to the newspaper El Chubut ". The aircraft was received by the Minister of Foreign Trade, Tourism and Investment in the province of Chubut, Secretaries of Tourism of different municipalities, and the Director of Airport and Terminal City.

The purpose of the flight will only resort. Chubut province has large untapped tourist attractions and is the objective of promoting the ENTRETUR the tourism, people outside the country. The greatest exponents, Peninsula Valdes and whale migration in all years.

The need for the province of Chubut for this flight may be little urgency, but nevertheless shows that there are other centers of commerce in the country as well as Buenos Aires and, even 2 times a week, it is important to promote them in various ways. This is how many airlines are taking advantage of the few ideas that Aerolineas Argentinas had, and are taking to decentralize the hub of Buenos Aires and give other options to passengers.


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