Delete thumbs.db file from a stroke in Ubuntu 1.0
If you're like me an external hard drive that you use both your Ubuntu
system, such as family PCs, like the other day I bring it to me my brother's house and connect to your PC with Windows, all folders you've copied or passed a file to Windows, when you get connected to Ubuntu
really a file in that folder called thumbs.db , files Windows verified that he was there, lol, useless in For as it is very cumbersome delete one by one, here have an extension for Nautilus to do this work for you, every time you pass by a folder containing these files. It's called Kill 1.0 thumb and is licensed under GPL . You can download it from here Kill thumb
start the download select install with gdebi and once installed restart X with Ctrl + Alt + Del and come back and Nautilus and will do their job. I've tried it and it works beautifully.
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