Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Is Lap-band Surgery Paid By Ohip In Ontario


On Saturday January 8 held by the center of the city of León a demonstration that was one of the initiatives launched in support of the two records for workers unfairly talk to the press, this pretext used by the direction of FEVE to banish them for 5 years Galicia.

the company's management led FEVE injustice to its maximum extent in this disciplinary action and what is worse, is intent on this injustice no matter the possible consequences for all parties involved. Certainly for the workers who have to rethink their lives dragging his entire family: mother, parents, sons, daughters ... and for the company because it will be shown as leadership headed by Angel Villalba, try to silence those who are critical of his disastrous management.

FEVE address is already subject to repeated criticism from various sectors of society and in turn, workers are reprisals displays of affection and solidarity. Each day that passes are connoisseurs of fine and less they understand.

However, there are only two ways to undo this madness, or the company withdraws the disciplinary or the ordinary courts will take action in this matter. Even and because of the significance that this sanction has, has asked the company management to temporarily suspend it until the court ruling. However, this appeal has been rejected, showing the direction of LVEF, bad faith it is having on these records, indicating once again that it intends to do as much damage as possible.

After the stubbornness of the leadership of the company are being made every possible action to defend and support workers in retaliation. All measures are aimed at the restoration of the DOS Clutches their jobs, have the support of SF-Inter .

Thanks to everyone who in one way or another you have shown your support and commitment to these two companions, these expressions of solidarity have been very important to them in these hard times. Thanks also to colleagues who have worked conscientiously tucking in the demonstration to fellow reprisals.


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