Sunday, March 20, 2011

Oxygenating Toothpasteand Mouthwash

A healthy democracy without manipulation of public media to Valverde

PP The local Association of Zalamea la Real is following with interest the illegitimate use that is making the blog of our local City Council, and considers this practice worthy of public complaint. It is customary, accepted as natural by the ruling Socialists, make partisan use of public media, and this case is no exception.

The principle of equality is fundamental to a healthy democracy, a principle the PSOE de Zalamea la Real skips every time you are interested in making use of the City Council of the blog party, always with the sole purpose of advertising done through a medium that is all.

The public media should be at the service of citizens and service at all interested in the rulers or their parties. This manipulative practice of the media is worthy of the best totalitarian regimes in history.

Therefore, if we want our people to enjoy the benefits of a healthy democracy, and PP de Zalamea and we want it, we have no use to publicly denounce the party concerned and which has been done as standard practice in the blog the City Council our town, and from here we ask that you abandon this practice, because otherwise we will be forced to take legal action against it and its leaders.

Partido Popular de Zalamea la Real.


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